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Management (Videos): Delegation Strategies
Product Code: pb092 Time: 13.0 minute(s) CEUs:


Delegation is a fundamental skill needed in today's busy workplace. Most people don't delegate because they think it's faster to do the job themselves. However, the more you delegate, the more time you will have in the future. During this program, you'll learn what delegation is and the key concepts of delegation. You'll also learn the steps to effective delegation. In addition, you'll learn to recognize why delegation can sometimes fail.



    • Introduction
    • What Is Delegation?
    • Why Delegation Fails?
    • How to Delegate
    • Things to Remember When Delegating
    • Summary

    Technical Requirements:

    P500+ Processor, 128MB of RAM; Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Minimum screen resolution 800x600, Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher; Windows Media Player 9.0 or higher; Flash 8.0 or higher; 56K minimum connection; broadband (256 kpbs or higher) connection recommended; Javascript, DHTML and cookies enabled; Sound card with speakers or headphones strongly recommended.

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